Leadership Philosophy (OLS 48700)
A just society is a society that if you knew everything about it, you’d be willing to enter it in a random place. – John Rawls
Purdue Course Catalogue Description: A review of current managerial, education, and development theories and practices; discussions of fundamental social, economic, and political changes affecting business and the art of managing; implications of these changes for individual development and continued growth.
Detailed Course Description: In this course we will examine current leadership theories through the lenses of some of our greatest philosophers including Aristotle, Socrates, Kant, Nietzsche, as well as a whole host of other philosophical minds. We will discuss how philosophy helps us understand the shifting social, economic, and political changes that affect organizations and how lessons from philosophy inform how leaders empower those they lead to develop and grow. Each student will integrate these insights into the development of their own personal philosophy of leadership.
Learning Outcomes
Articulate the key leadership insights from philosophy
Understand how philosophy informs organizational leadership
Identify the components of a personal philosophy of leadership
Develop a personal philosophy of leadership
LinkedIn Skills Covered
Leadership Philosophy
Readings and Resources: You will have the following two textbooks for this course. Your instructor might assign other resources throughout the term.
Reynolds, A., Houlder, D., Goddard, J., Lewis, D. (2020). What philosophy can teach you about being a better leader. Kogen Page Limited. Find it on Amazon here.
Figliuolo, M. (2011). One piece of paper: The simple approach to powerful personal leadership. Jossey-Bass. Find it on Amazon here.
Course Credits: 3 credits
Time & Location: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 4:30 – 5:20 pm, Krannert, G002
Instructor: Dr. Scott Hutcheson | Department of Technology Leadership & Innovation | Office: YONG 351| Phone: (765) 479-7704 (mobile) | hutcheson@purdue.edu | Office hours are by appointment or virtually (phone and email) on Monday evenings 7-9pm