Leading for Organizational Change and Innovation (OLS 38600)

Leading for Organizational Change and Innovation (OLS 38600)

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change– Charles Darwin

Purdue Course Catalogue Description: Introduction to and overview of fundamental concepts of leading organizational change and innovation.

Detailed Course Description: Change is as inevitable as the passing of time. Every organization will experience change. In some situations, change will purposeful, allowing for deliberate strategies and actions to guide organizations from what they are to what they will be. In other instances, change will be forced upon organizations, sometimes suddenly and unexpectedly. This course focuses on how to successfully lead purposeful deliberate change and how to create organizational cultures that are agile and adaptive, able to weather the storms of sudden disruption. You will learn from both tried-and-true insights as well as leading-edge thinking about how leaders can successfully design and guide organizational change efforts. We will focus on both theory and practice.

 Learning Outcomes

  1. Articulate the key concepts of organizational change 

  2. Understand effective processes of change management 

  3. Identify the leadership characteristics of effective change managers  

  4. Develop and apply a change model 

 LinkedIn Skills Covered

  1. Change Management

  2. Change Project Management

Readings and Resources: You will have the following textbook for this course. Your instructor might assign other resources throughout the term.

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. A. (2017). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Find it on Amazon here.

Course Credits: 3 credits

Time & Location: Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 noon – 1:15 pm, Smith Hall, 108

Instructor: Dr. Scott Hutcheson | Department of Technology Leadership & Innovation | Office: YONG 351| Phone: (765) 479-7704 (mobile) | hutcheson@purdue.edu | Office hours are by appointment or virtually (phone and email) on Monday evenings 7-9pm

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