Strategic Doing in Healthcare

Strategic Doing in Healthcare

Hello. If you’ve found your way here, chances are it is as a result of an online course in which you were introduced to Strategic Doing in the context of the complex, often “wicked,” problems associated with healthcare. You were promised more information about how you could continue learning about Strategic Doing as a discipline for designing and guiding complex collaborations toward shared outcomes.

I’m excited to let you know about new version of the Strategic Doing practitioner training and certification available in partnership from the Purdue Agile Strategy Lab and Purdue Healthcare Advisors. You can learn more about our open-enrollment version of our course about here.

If you are are interested the training in your own organization, either onsite or delivered via distance learning, contact us here.

The AEM Cube

The AEM Cube

Digital Innovation in Material Handling

Digital Innovation in Material Handling